SphereMail Operators
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Welcome to SphereMail
Introduction To SphereMail →
Why Virtual Mail →
Training Video
Watch - Training Guide →
Administrator Guide
Getting Started
Configuring The Administrator Settings and Getting Started→
Update Business Information →
Update Email→
Select A Color Scheme and Options →
Update or Change Your Subdomain →
See all 24 articles
Linking Deskworks to Your SphereMail Portal→
Linking Nexudus to Your SphereMail Portal→
Linking OfficeRnD to Your SphereMail Portal→
Linking Quickbooks to Your SphereMail Portal→
Export Your SphereMail Customers' Info to HubSpot→
See all 7 articles
Manage Mail
The Mail Cycle →
Customer's Mail Features →
Mailroom Notification Feature →
Notifications for Mail Item Requests→
Add Single Mail Item →
See all 28 articles
Manage Customers Accounts
Add a New Customer/User →
Subscribing a Customer by an Admin →
Activate a Customer→
Deactivate a Customer →
Manually Assigning A Mailbox Number →
See all 29 articles
Manage SpherePhone (Virtual Phone Number)
How to Make Outgoing Calls Using SpherePhone Virtual Phone →
Add a Virtual Telephone for a Customer →
Enable or Update Outgoing Calls →
How to Setup Voicemail →
Update a Forwarding Number, Update Company Name, Add Extensions →
See all 9 articles
Downloading Customer's Invoices →
Mail Storage Fees→
Create an Invoice or Add an Invoice Line Item→
Business Name Invoices→
Applying a Discount Coupon →
See all 6 articles
Live Answering/Receptionist Service
Adding Live Receptionist Service for my Customer→
Receiving Messages from The Live Answering/Receptionist Service →
Viewing Charge Details on Your Operator Account →
View and download customers' Quarterly Reports.
Becoming a Virtual Office Provider
Everything CMRA
What is CMRA?→
CMRA Format Requirements→
Verifying Customer Information→
How to Complete Form 1583→
California Document 17538.5 →
See all 9 articles
What is a Virtual Office?
What Is A Virtual Office? →
General Questions
Does SphereMail have a Security Policy?
What activities are charged right away and what activities get charged at the end of the month→
When we attempt to sign up a user for our location, we receive an error message indicating that the email is already taken?
Why are our customers charged for any services or activity we provide? →
How often are we expected to ship mail? Is there a SphereMail policy around that? →
See all 52 articles
Managing Mail
Can you confirm when do storage fees go into effect? (is it 30 days?) →
Why can't I forward mail internationally with USPS?
How do we handle cancelled customers' mail?
How do we charge for the forwarding of the package? Do we charge a handling fee as well?
For forwarding mail, is the price that I can set for each plan just the fee that our business takes (not including the cost of postage)? Or should it include that postage cost? →
See all 41 articles
Operator General Settings
Do we have access to a detailed history report of all customer transactions? →
What are the requirements to operate as a virtual office provider in Ireland? →
How is tax handled on the platform in the U.S. and/or other countries? →
Where can I download CA 17583.5 document?
Is there a way for you to modify the hourly conference room access to a dollar credit amount that can be used towards our meeting rooms and workstation rentals? →
See all 23 articles
Managing Customers
Is there a way for a customer to add an additional recipient and for me to mark it free of charge after they add it? Or do I need to add the recipient? →
How can we re-assign a mailbox number? →
What to do if one of my customers is unable to log in to the SphereMail's portal?→
How does canceling or deactivating a customer affect billing or their box number?→
Is there a way to delete a mailbox number from an inactive customer's account so it can be reused by a new customer? →
See all 25 articles
Virtual Phone Number and Live Answering Services
Do you charge the operator for voice message setup or personal recording? →
Do I have to offer all the services on the platform? What if I am already offering live answering services or notary services and I don’t want to offer them through the SphereMail platform? →
What is the difference between a virtual phone number and a land line/cell phone number? →
What are the differences among all the live receptionist plans? →
A customer signed up for virtual phone service, is there anything we need to do as an operator? →
See all 23 articles
We have a customer who is on monthly subscription but wants to switch to the 6 months or yearly plan. Will their new rate be pro-rated with what he has already paid?
Is there any way to apply a credit to a client's account? (In the event they prepay)
Can a customer add their credit card now for the future start date of their plan?→
Our customer just entered their Credit Card, why were they charged on all pending invoices since the date they were activated?→
How do we handle a customer's deactivated account that's been locked out due to non-payment? →
See all 20 articles
Mobile App
Demo Video
How To's
Logging In/Out of the App
Adding Mail →
Add Envelope Picture →
Upload & Download a Scan →
Forward Mail →
See all 9 articles
Help Desk Software
by Freshdesk