Automatic mail requests are new additional services you can now offer to your customers!
Your customers can enable automatic scanning or forwarding requests, and this will automatically trigger a scan/forward request for their newly logged mail items! They can choose to send requests for all new mail items, or choose specific senders where this applies.
How to set it up:
Head to your Settings > Plans > Plan Conditions and scroll down to the "Additional services" section:
There you can set up the services however you wish to offer them within your subscriptions:
- Checkbox: when enabled under a plan, the service is made available for your subscribed customer to purchase and set up under their Additional Services tab. When disabled, the customer cannot see or purchase the service.
Note that you can't enable this additional service if you already have the main scanning or forwarding services disabled: - Price: this is the amount your customer will be charged for every month as long as the service is enabled.
Note that the charge is separate from your already defined charges for mail scanning and forwarding services. The customer will still be charged for their scan and forward requests as per your conditions setup.
How to enable it:
- Head to the customer account and click on the "Additional Services" tab:
- Choose the service you wish to enable for your customer:
Automatic scan requests:
- Enable the toggle to activate the service and confirm the charges:
- Once confirmed, a popup window will show so you can choose the setup your customer needs for the automatic scanning requests:- Your customer can choose the scan option to be automatically requested, whether standard or one of the expedited options:
- Your customer can choose to have automatic scan requests sent to you for every new mail item logged from this point onward, or they can specify certain senders to apply this to:
Note that for specific senders, the customer must write the exact full name of the sender used when logging the mail; otherwise, the automatic action will not be triggered. So if they specify the sender as "Princess Bubblegum" the action will not be triggered if the admin logs the mail with "Princess bubblegum" or "PrincessBubblegum" or any other rendition of the sender name.
- Once the customer is done with the setup, you click on "Confirm & Activate" to apply the setup:
- And to check or adjust the setup at any time, you can click on the "Senders" hyperlink:
- Finally, to disable the service, you can simply disable the toggle again:Automatic forwarding requests:
- Enable the toggle to activate the service and confirm the charges:
- Once confirmed, a popup window will show so you can choose the setup your customer needs for the automatic forwarding requests:- Your customer can choose the delivery option to be automatically requested, whether standard or one of the expedited options:
- Your customer can also choose which shipping address to use if they have multiple ones:
- Your customer can also choose to have automatic forwarding requests sent to you for every new mail item logged from this point onward, or they can specify certain senders to apply this to:
Note that for specific senders, the customer must write the full exact name of the sender used when logging the mail, otherwise the automatic action will not be triggered. So if they specify the sender as "Princess Bubblegum" the action will not be triggered if the admin logs the mail with "Princess bubblegum" or "PrincessBubblegum" or any other rendition of the sender name.
- Once the customer is done with the setup, you click on "Confirm & Activate" to apply the setup:- And to check or adjust the setup at any time, you can click on the "Senders" hyperlink:
- Finally, to disable the service, you can simply disable the toggle again:
How it works:
- If your customer has automatic scan requests enabled for all senders, then as soon as you log a new mail item for them, you'll receive a scan request for it:
- If your customer has automatic scan requests enabled for specific senders, then as soon as you log a new mail item from one of the specified senders, you'll receive a scan request for it; other mail items will not trigger an automatic scan request:
- If your customer has automatic forwarding requests enabled for all senders, then as soon as you log a new mail item for them, you'll receive a forwarding request for it:
- If your customer has automatic forwarding requests enabled for specific senders, then as soon as you log a new mail item from one of the specified senders, you'll receive a forwarding request for it; other mail items will not trigger an automatic scan request: